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In addition to making strawberry jam, what other methods are there for strawberry processing?

Time:2022-05-23 13:58:14

1. Frozen strawberries

Fresh, pest-free strawberries, after cleaning, remove the stalks and sepals, and make quick-frozen strawberries according to different sizes and grades. Frozen strawberries are not freeze-dried strawberries. At present, the quick-frozen strawberries on the market are generally divided into two types. One is unsweetened, which can be frozen directly. The other is sugar-added, which can be added with sugar at 20% of the weight of the strawberry, stirred well, and quickly frozen in the freezer. , it is guaranteed to reach -5°C in about 40 minutes. Frozen strawberries can be stored for a long time, and the semi-thawed state is very delicious and is very popular in the market. It can also break the seasonality of strawberries.

2. Dried strawberries

Dried strawberry is a dried fruit ingredient on the market in recent years. It is a dry product obtained by dehydrating and drying fresh strawberries as the main raw material. The dried strawberry after preparation retains most of the nutrients in the fresh strawberry. It tastes sweet and sour, and the taste is crispy. After eating, it can nourish qi and blood, and can also beautify the face.

The taste of dried strawberries is very good, and the current market is still good. The difficulty of making dried strawberries is actually not high. The specific methods of delicious dried strawberries are as follows:

Choose 8-minute ripe strawberries (do not choose too ripe strawberries, which will become soft and rotten during the production process, which will affect the taste and color), add sugar and honey, and stir gently to coat the strawberries with sugar stains. This step should be done lightly. The strawberries will soon come out of water and become soft when they meet the sugar. Be careful not to crush the strawberries. Place them on a baking tray and bake them in the oven at 120 degrees for 200 minutes. Turn over every 50 minutes and turn them 4 times. . Let it cool after it is out of the oven. Some of the sugar syrup that is not dry will also become hard. The dried strawberries can be eaten with confidence without sticking to the hands. Be sure to let it cool before packing, otherwise it will soften and the taste will not be good.

3. Canned strawberries

Canned strawberries are especially suitable for larger strawberries, and canned strawberries sell very well. Pick a few ripe strawberries, wash the strawberries, and then control the water for later use. In the second step, pour the water into the pot and add rock sugar. Boil the water and boil the rock sugar, then pour in the washed strawberries, and turn off the heat after the water is turned on again. After being sterilized while hot, put them into sterilized bottles and jars. Generally, 500g bottles are filled with 300g fruits, and the rest are added with filling liquid. Filling liquid, put it upside down on the window sill, let it cool, and then store it in the refrigerator or sell it on the market.

4. Strawberry Wine

There is wine, cider, and naturally there is strawberry wine. After fermentation, acidic substances can be turned into alcohol substances, that is, wine. At this time, the strawberries are used to make strawberry wine. After the brewing is done, the weather just turns hot. Add ice cubes or sparkling water to dilute and drink, and the MSG is amazing!

Clean the strawberries and remove the stalks and leaves, and then drain them. The surface should not have any broken skin, trauma or water (the broken skin will make the wine muddy); the sealed glass bottle is sterilized with boiling water and then drained for use. Then peel off the yellow skin of the yellow lemon and cut it into thin slices, as much as possible to peel off the white part. Put the lemon slices in the bottom of the glass jar. Then put the strawberries and rock candy layer by layer into the bottle. Infused with white wine and drowned over strawberries. Cover and store in a dark place, shake gently every 2-3 days. If the temperature is high, put it in the refrigerator. Over time, the strawberries will fade in color and the wine will gradually turn red. After two to three weeks, take out the strawberries and lemons, pour the wine into the wine bottle and store it for about two and a half months. If you like to eat sweet, you can add sugar as appropriate. According to different alcohol concentrations, various strawberry wines can be made.